(this is gonna be one heck of a long post, just sayin')
(this is gonna be one heck of a long post, just sayin')
Hell yeah! Three years of insanity.. finally over! No more eye bags! No more sleepless nights!
The backdrop really very pretty leh! And omg, I was so nervous when it was my turn, fearing I'd trip and make a fool out of myself and then appearing on STOMP the next day.
My family aka my three ATM machines. Haha! Kidding. I appreciate all the love and support that they have given me for the past 3 years in Ngee Ann.
And here comes the AMAZING PEOPLE from Mass Communication who made school a fun experience for me!

LEFT: Sandy! I love Sandy! Who wouldn't love her? She's so adorable and super cute. I remember meeting her for the very first time - it was at a drama club in NP and we kinda bonded from there but we eventually quit the club because we couldn't juggle it with the school workload. I never saw her pissed, don't think I want to anyway. But I'm happy to have met her. :D
RIGHT: Vanessa! She's a crazy fanatic for BSB (Backstreet Boys), whom I find very disgusting. (I'm gonna get shot down for this) She almost killed me when she didn't help me for the design of our newspaper project in year 2. But hey, I really got to know her in Year 3, when we were co-designers for PITCH'09! Designing for that was hell, especially when there was endless revisions to be made. But I'm happy I got to work with her in Year 3 because it really changed my impression of her that I had in Year 2. I feel guilty. Sorry Van! But I shall never ever judge a book by its cover. She's kinda awesome, beat that. :D
LEFT: IRMA! Let me start by saying that I love this girl, okay. She was my classmate in year one. I refused to talk to her because she was so "melayu" about everything. A typical malay girl. I really didn't like her in year 1, no kidding! I kinda regret not making use of that opportunity instead to really be friends with her in Year 1 because I really enjoyed talking to her & working with her in projects. We were project-mates for Radio & locvid production and I had so much fun with her even though one entire tape that contained our third and final scene was not captured. I cried, because of stress. Weak, I know. And I should thank Feeqah who really bonded the two of us. Year 3, I worked with her for Convex and it was pretty kick-ass! We got A++++ for every pairing assignment that we did together! And I will never forget when we had to go up to random strangers and take photos of them for our report. Heehe. I won't forget you Irma. :D
RIGHT: AQILAHHH! Probably one of the most adorable malay girls in Mass Comm. I had a lot of fun working with her, especially or Advertising! Best group ever! I'd always share babi cookies from subway with her and make a lot of funny jokes about her. I remember joking that she was the fastest runner for 2.4km run in her secondary school. People really believed me. And for others, they knew I was bullshitting. Heehe! I'll miss you kiki!
LEFT: Adrianna! Got to know this girl through FMSA and she really does look like Tania! I admit I was always confused about the both of them in year one. She's quite of a character and I learnt a few curse words in Pinoy language from her. Haha! Bad influence eh! And I'll always remember the time when we went out to do the 10 Dares thingy. Definitely something unforgettable. Haha!
RIGHT: Diyana! Honestly, I don't know her that well because she's from the other cohort. She's alright la, I guess. Heehee!
LEFT: Atiqah! From the other cohort! Okayla, I also don't know her that well. But I think I would have been closer friends with her had I been in the other cohort because she's actually quite nice to talk to!
RIGHT: AJ! and NOH! AJ was my colleague in m:idea and I won't forget his favourite word, "Interesting". He uses it all the time. And Noh! We were in the same class in year 1 and in year 3. And thank god he was in my class in year 3 because there were a whole other bunch that I disliked. And classes were always fun with him around. Haha! Definitely won't forget him. :D
LEFT: DION! If he ever had a TV show, it would definitely be called, "Everybody hates Dion" but he's my friend and a very entertaining one at that. He never fails to make me laugh at every single thing he does in school. I started out hating him in the beginning.. but I really think he's toned down his attitude and character a lot! And that's good enough to be my friend, I don't care if everyone else hates him, at least I know I can trust him and he better not betray my trust. Just don't wear green goblin pants to school anymore okay. Haha!
RIGHT: RAYYYYYY! I love this boy to bits and pieces. He was always there for me whenever I needed someone, always just a call away. And just that, makes him an amazing friend to me. I'm glad to have met him from FMSA and our late night gossiping sessions in the loft about Dion, even though he was just at the other room and could have probably been eavesdropping in our conversations. haha! Plus, this boy's got a great fashion sense! Love you Ray and I don't care if its 10 years or what, you will still be my friend and I'll always remember you. :D
LEFT: Casey! I remember he left class just to have Yong Tau Fu and that got everyone talking about him. He's a funny character la. He was my year 1 classmate and I definitely won't forget him and he's always competitive, or at least that's how I think. Haha!
RIGHT: ISAAC! This boy is probably the best HYPE editor in the history of HYPE Magazine. He was my year 1 classmate and I was always intimidated by him. He is so smart and a really good speaker + editor. There was once when we were rushing out the design for the magazine in the school's loft apartment and the whole place was in such a friggin mess. Sure he was pissed but he never screamed. All he did was just stare at the other guys and by the next minute, they'd be cleaning the entire loft. Hilarious. He's probably one of the most motivating guy ever. Plenty of times I'd feel like sleeping and he'd just stay up with me (even tho his other editors are sleeping and even tho he had no other work to do) just to really motivate me and push me. And he's a real good photographer too. Haha! I'm happy to have had him as a classmate (only in year 1) and a colleague. Those late night chionging sessions really bonded all of us together and I'll never forget that. :D
LEFT: Irah! I'll definitely miss her. She's such a perfectionist - i swear. Always wanting to make sure the work we submit is of top notch. She's always the leader in most of the projects I worked with her, glad to have her as the leader. She's the most down to earth person I've ever known, so patient and calm. I used to wonder how she would be like when she's pissed, only happens once in a blue moon. There was one time when she was so stressed and when I asked her about her opinions on my design, she replied, "Do whatever you want la. Anything also can." Heehe. And I'm still trying to imagine how is that girl from the popular malay tv series, K-14, is now YOU?!?! haha!
RIGHT: The two lovebirds. Nat and Eunice. I think working with Nat for our IS project was definitely one of the best ever. We helped an orphanage to build their very own cultural corner and it was really fun sia! And then he was also my editor for internship. Funny la that boy. And then comes Eunice, my year one classmate. Actually I never worked with her for any projects leh but I realised as the years go by, she starts to shrink in size and there's no way of stopping her. And she is definitely one of the mass comm people who was quite "real" and not fake. Oh well, I'll miss the both of them. :D
LEFT: XINMUN! She is sooooo cute and so funny. And a great groupmate! I'll always remember her because of all the silly things she does all the time. I remember Jarrel telling me that she fell off a couch while we were chionging our final presentation for Advert in the school's loft. And going to her house just to complete our Advert assignments. Haha! And when she came to my house during Hari Raya, she stood on a stool so that she could be as tall as me. I can't help it for always teasing her about her height. But she really really does make me laugh almost all the time, even when I'm stressed to the max. Heehee! Love you munmun!
RIGHT: Farez! Funny how i met this guy. I remember he was tweeting about some stuff, and then I followed him and then he happened to be my junior in Mass Comm! Omg, right? The day before graduation, he wrote a lot of nice and sweet stuff to me on msn, which I thought was very sweet of him that I told him, "TMR I MUST TAKE PICTURE WITH YOU!" And we did. Cute la this boy.
That's my mom & Ms. Zalina. I never knew that the both of them were close friends, 20 YEARS AGO. Ms Zalina is my lecturer for PR and Convex and she is one of the best lecturers down there. She was pregnant while teaching us and she still continued teaching. Plus, she's still so active even when she's having a child! A very strong woman, just like my mom. Heehee.
So here's the story, both my mom and Ms Zalina worked at Times Bookshop almost 20 years ago (when Ms Zalina was still studying Mass Comm) and my mom happened to be her supervisor. My mom would always bring me (i was a toddler, duh) to the bookshop as there was no one to take care of me at home so Ms Zalina would be there and she too would take care of me. Little did she know that the little toddler she took care of 20 years ago happened to be me! I was shocked! She was shocked! And when she met my mom at the graduation ceremony, it was an epic moment, two friends who have not met with each other for sucha long time. I'm glad I saw that and was part of the moment. Haha!
LEFT: The UrbanWire girls! Heehe! I love both of them la. Especially Shermaine whom I worked with most of the time in year one. I think she's probably sick of me la right now. But even her mom knows my name! So freaky! Haha! And Ching/Janelle who shocked my by telling me that she went to NUS then quit and came to Mass Comm. Insane right? haha! But I'm glad she did. Happy to have known both of them. Heehee!
RIGHT: Actually Shermaine + Ching + EVERYONE in the right picture makes up almost 1/3 of my year one class. You guys make class super fun leh. Year one was probably the best year ever! You guys mean a lot to me. I remember during the first few weeks of school, everyone was sending testimonials (via friendster) to each other. I still read some of them and they're actually quite funny. I could have never asked for a better set of year one classmates than you guys. And I love every single one of you. (Aini, Jarrel, Eunice, Irma, Ching, Shermaine, Isaac, Tim, Eugene, Kavina, Sin Ee, Audrey) :D
ALL OF YOU ARE AMAZING PEOPLE. I think Twitter is a good thing because it did brought us closer together and being in the same internship as Chee, also made me closer to her. Haha! Working with her can be a pain in the ass sometimes because she's also a perfectionist but you know what? I'm glad she's a perfectionist, otherwise I'd have come up with shiteous designs for everything. Haha! I want our disney marathon please!
HELLO M:IDEA! I don't care. This IS the marcomm team, the team that I originally wanted to be in, not design. Haha. I'm really glad I didn't quit m:idea because had I done so, I wouldn't be close to any of them, teasing one another, especially Ronald. We're all so united and I'll definitely miss being in m:idea. Truthfully, this was actually one of the best decisions I've ever made in Mass Comm. I pushed myself to the limits and come up with designs almost every single day. It was insanity handling 16 design projects all on my own. And some of them simultaneously. A lot of sacrifices - including public holidays - were made. I don't know where we'll be in 10 years time, but I'm sure our paths will still cross one day. I ain't gonna do design, I'm gonna do Events/PR, so hopefully, I'll see you guys still! Haha! SHALL WE MAKE ANOTHER VIDEO LIKE I GOTTA FEELING? + Can't wait for dinner with all you m:idea peeps on monday! haha!
And of course, the both of you. I don't care even if this picture blocks my entire blog layout because the both of you deserve it.
Jarrel! I don't know where to start. You, my friend, are the most competitive person I've ever met and I respect you for that. I really looked up to you as the standard to beat, especially during year one because you are so smart and so good at almost everything. I'll really miss doing FMSA tours with you, which was always so much fun you were always so ra-ra and never fail to make every single tour fun, no matter how boring those people are. I still feel guilty for leaving you to handle the 60++ over students all alone because I had to rush home, but I'm sure you still had fun right. Being in FMSA and other fms related events made me closer to you and not to forget our year 3 advertising group. To be honest, I did not want to be in the same group as you just because I was quite petty over some stuff you said to me on msn, saying I'll never find an advertising group. I'll still slap you for that but I eventually chose to be in the same group as you and I'm glad I did! As stressful the projects may be, it was still fun because that's the thing about you. You always know how to make everything fun and that's what I like about you. And we definitely kicked ass during the final presentation to the client, we're awesome. I just wished that you were doing the design internship with me for the final semester because you know what? Your designs are pretty kickass too, shame you did not get to show your skills for that final semester. That's the only regret I'll have - not doing HYPE magazine with you just because I actually liked your year 2 magazine. Hurrhurr. But the best part, I feel like I can tell you about almost everything also - personal or school whatever. And I really really enjoyed discussing reality tv shows with you - TAR/SURVIVOR. You know what, if there is another TARA in the next few years, I'd love to join that and pair with you - because I know we can make good tv (hehehe) and with our extensive knowledge on everything, we can kick some butts! So Jarrel/classmate/xiaoming or whatever they call you, I'm glad I met you in Mass Comm and I'm glad I found a friend in you and no matter what, you will never be forgotten. Thank you for everything and now that this journey is over, I'll definitely miss you. :D
Aini! Omg I don't know where to start. I really hated this girl in year one. Haha! I felt so suffocated every single time she called me names that all of a sudden, it felt like secondary one all over again. But we got closer in year two. And thank god she was in my class. I doubt I'd be able to survive had she not been around. And we grouped up with each other for almost every single assignments. I think we make a great team, you know. Haha! She'd always joke with me about other Mass Commers and we had nicknames for certain people. It was hilarious. Of course there were certain points of time I felt like strangling her, especially during our Advertising and MRM. Both of us are very stubborn la, sometimes I really don't like her idea so I just tell her straightforward and there was tension. But once class is over, everythings back to normal again. I still remember getting so frustrated with her when she deleted our entire MRM project file, wah I was damn pissed! Haha! Of course, we got even closer in year 3, especially in m:idea. She calls me her sidekick, which I find very insulting. I ain't anybody's sidekick. Haha! We were each other's rock, pushing and motivating each other. Of course, there were times I had really wanted to just run away from m:idea and not do anything because of the crazy stress level but at least she was there every single step of the journey. And I can find myself talking to her almost about everything. She is probably one of the few that has seen me at my deepest down, when I felt like crying because of someONE and also one of the few that I can joke and insult and she'd still be fine with it because she can do the same to me and I won't be pissed at her. I could see her as like my "brother" because she'd be the one protecting me if I get pushed around or anything. So thank you Aini, for everything, for being one of the best things that happened to me for the past three years and if I could give you a hug again, I would. Because you are my officially my closest friend from mass comm and let's keep it that way in the years to come. I'll never never forget you. And I'll definitely miss you worrx.
I apologize if this blog post is waaay corny. But I don't care. lol. Being in Mass Comm is spectacular, and will always be. Heehee
Actually after the graduation, we went back to my office and had a photoshoot! Shall post the photos soon!
P.s If you managed to read from the top all the way to the bottom here, you rock, seriously. And I love you.
Labels: Daily Musings, Graduation Day, School
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